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Eazy Bob Wizzyposted an audio, Sun, 24 Jan, 2016

Eazy Bob Wizzy - Listen Up (@eazybobwizzy)

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It's out of the blues [or rather out of the Yellows]

If the Word is for doctrine, correction and reprove, then This Song; LISTEN UP By Eazy Bob Wizzy is definitely the Word Now (or should I say Word Up [WhatsUp]).

In Anticipation of his debut project which he's currently working on, here's word for correction to the entire Christian Hip Hop Community [C.H.H like He calls it] to spur everyone to Love and Good Works, Spiritual Right Stand and Excellence.

From the Arsenal of the XtraOrdinaries, comes this bombshell #ListenUp. Tell someone, 'cos we all got to LISTEN UP!!!


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