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SI Unitposted a blog, Tue, 25 Feb, 2014


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The Basar Hip Hop Awards’ New Artist Of The Year - SI Unit on Sunday 23rd of February launched the 2nd Edition of the ComeAlive Concert in Kumasi, Ghana. The Movement has immensely grown over the year and SI Unit is set to take it further. The riding theme for the movement this year is Face Your Fears – urging everybody to man up and face the weaknesses and issues which keep us from living the Christ Life, because ‘’we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father’’. (Romans 8:15 KJV).

The Management of the collective, Narrow Road Records, also inaugurated the ministerial office of its duties, ComeAlive Ministries Inc., a non-profit organization with the power of constructive service to the society and humanity. The organizing currently runs a number of Social Clubs to that effect.

ComeAlive Concert is scheduled to take place on the 23rd March 2014 after which there would be a camp, tours and other activities. The collective would however release a theme song prior to the concert which would take place on KNUST campus during the infamous Repo Hall Week. It is anticipated every Christian hip hop emcee and urban gospel artist in the nation would be there to rock the stage.

This year the concert is taking another elevation as it would be couple other ecstatic mini events to help broadcast the main day. Mini events include; 

  • Street Jam/Karaoke Night
  • Movie Night
  • Mass Party Popping

God Bless the ComeAlive family, SI Unit and the whole Narrow Road Records organization. They have been pace setters.


ComeAlive 14 – Face Your Fears



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