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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Fri, 23 Apr, 2021

Jesus IS Lord - @JaySmoke

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When we say Jesus is Lord, what do we mean? It simply means, He is Lord over our lives. He has the final say in our lives. Not our earthly parents, not our bosses, not our Pastors and definitely not our flesh. 

When you give your life to Jesus. This is what you are declaring. That you are surrendering your life to Him. Whatever He wants to do with is, you are obliged. That's why we say, you are a new creature. You have a new master and that is Lord Jesus. You can't keep doing what you used to do before surrendering your life. You can't go on fornicating, you can't go on stealing, you can't go on cursing, you can't go on hating, you can't go on being self-centered, you can't go on being abusive, you certainly can't go on being a homosexual. 

But because our Lord Jesus, knows that humans are prone to fail, He has given us the Holy Spirit to HELP us overcome these sinful habits. Not only that, He also has giving us unlimited chances to get it right. So when you fall, you can pick yourself up and start again. That's the grace of God. But that doesn't mean you abuse it, no, then you didn't surrender in the first place. 

Jesus IS Lord. No doubt! But is He really Lord over your life? I pray He is. If you haven't accepted Him yet and want to do so, just say this prayer and He will become your Lord and Savior;

Lord Jesus, I come to you today a sinner. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I believe you are the only Son of God, who was born of the virgin Mary and laid down your life for me. You rose on the third day, ascended into Heaven to prepare a place for me and will come back one day to judge the world and take me home. Come into my heart today and be my Lord and personal Savior. Forgive me of all my trespasses and cleanse me with your blood. Amen.

Congrats, you are a Born Again Christian. Now find a Bible believing church and tell them what you just did and they will help you in your walk.

Be blessed 🤸🏾‍♀️😊🙏🏾


For real
Truth be told
Amen!...This is Spot on! God bless youu 🙂🙂
🙂🙂🙂🙂 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)
Waka me nyinaa.... You've said it all....nIt sums up the great song😊🙌🏼❤️💯🔥🔥
🙂🙂 that's right fam. - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)
On facts! 🙂🙂 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)
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