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Rian Malanposted a blog, Sun, 27 Mar, 2022

Wisdom Prayer (@Rian_J_Malan)

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We all have had to and are still facing changes.

To some, like Sheldon in 'The Big Bang Theory', change is a challenge too ghastly to contemplate.

Others thrive on change.

One thing is sure; change has crossed our lives many times. Change is crossing our lives today. And change will be crossing our lives tomorrow.

The challenge is how we deal with it, and I have always found the 'Serenity Prayer' a great divine way to deal with it.

But, I have come to a point where I believe the focus should not be on how to deal with change, but the focus should be to look for what SHOULD be changed proactively. With blessing behind this decision to change, the only thing left to do is tackle the change forcefully and 'Just do it!'



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