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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Tue, 05 Apr, 2022

Yeshua rose in 3 days, could He possibly return on the 3rd day? (@jaysmoke)

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I thought I was onto something until I realized that we ARE in the 3rd millennium. 

Oh man, this isn't something I just thought up oooo, this is real! I was praying whilst listening to this song, 'The Commission' by CAIN and there was this line 'Am going for a little while' right then a thought came to mind 'it has been 2000 thousand years since He said that, that sure ain't little' right then I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said 'to God who sees a thousand years as a day, 2000 years is basically 2 days'. And he continued 'Since we know that the number 3 means alot to God, what if the 3rd day (3000 years) is when Yeshua will return?' I was like whooooooaaa...I have to share this with y'all.

Like I said, we already in the 3rd Millennium, that means the Lord could return at any moment now. That's crazy!

We have to be prepared fam. Whatever you gotta do, better do it quick because we definitely in the last days and you might never get the chance to do it anymore.

Shalom 🙏🏾


Shut up Jay. All I know is he's coming soon 😂 so we keep watch and ready like the 5 wise virgins for whe he will come like a thief in the night. As for biblical math...well... that's just interesting. I like God' s sense of humor rn😀
Hahahahaha why r u hatin my math? 🤣 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)
Very interresting yes yes. And deffinitly we are in the last days. ♡
Yepp Yep!!! We gotta do what we have to do quick 🙂🙂 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)

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