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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Thu, 14 Jul, 2022

The Gospel and show to Share it (@fifiababio)


The Gospel is the is the only thing that can save and when its preached everywhere in all nation, the end will come. ( Matt 24:14). The Gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ. Its about His death burial and resurrection and therefore anything else apart from this is NOT the Gospel ( 1 Corinth 15:3-4).  The preaching of this message is an explanation of the demonstration of Gods love for his creation. ( John 3:16). 

Is there a need for us to be saved? Surely! Its all because men had sinned and death which leads to hell was thier punishment (Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, John 3:16-18). The Truth about our salvation is that without the shedding of blood there are no remissions of sins hence the death of Jesus (Heb 9:22). The following are some benefits or results of the salvation in Christ.

Eternal Life (1Peter 5:11), Justification (Rom 5:10), Dominion (Psalm 8:6), fellowship with Christ (2Corinth 13:14) and peace with God amongst others (Rom 5:1).

The following are 5 simple steps to help us share this Gospel.

1. Strike an acquaintance

2, Present your message with atleast one scripture

3. Lead them to Christ with Rom 10:9-10 (if your message is accepted).

4. Invite them to your church

5. Follow up with calls and visits to encourage them to come to church and pray for them. 


Lovely write up... Wish you included the verses though so it makes it complete. ♥️♥️
I will when I drop the next one....still learning on how to do it right - Fifi Ababio
Bless!!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)

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