The Gospel and show to Share it (@fifiababio)
BlogThe Gospel is the is the only thing that can save and when its preached everywhere in all nation, the end will come. ( Matt 24:14). The Gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ. Its about His death burial and resurrection and therefore anything else apart from this is NOT the Gospel ( 1 Corinth 15:3-4). The preaching of this message is an explanation of the demonstration of Gods love for his creation. ( John 3:16).
Is there a need for us to be saved? Surely! Its all because men had sinned and death which leads to hell was thier punishment (Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, John 3:16-18). The Truth about our salvation is that without the shedding of blood there are no remissions of sins hence the death of Jesus (Heb 9:22). The following are some benefits or results of the salvation in Christ.
Eternal Life (1Peter 5:11), Justification (Rom 5:10), Dominion (Psalm 8:6), fellowship with Christ (2Corinth 13:14) and peace with God amongst others (Rom 5:1).
The following are 5 simple steps to help us share this Gospel.
1. Strike an acquaintance
2, Present your message with atleast one scripture
3. Lead them to Christ with Rom 10:9-10 (if your message is accepted).
4. Invite them to your church
5. Follow up with calls and visits to encourage them to come to church and pray for them.
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