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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Fri, 02 Sep, 2022

Do to others as you want done to you (@jaysmoke)

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It's easy to expect others to treat us a certain way, but the question is, are we treating others the way we'd want them to treat us?

Many of us are quick to treat our bosses and high ranking people with respect and grace which is the natural thing to do. So don't expect any rewards there. The unnatural thing to do is treating the poor and under privileged with the same respect and grace you'd treat your bosses. That's when you'll receive a reward from heaven.

So when you encounter a less privileged person, an unfortunate person, someone needing your help, how do you react?! Do you brush them off? Are you rude? Do you treat them as inferior? Or you are polite? Kind? Tolerant? Respectful? Loving? Do to others, as you'd want done to you because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

Shalom 🙏🏾



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