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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Fri, 12 May, 2023

We Are Children Of God (@fifiababio)

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But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12 NLT

Many times we are told that the burden of becoming children of God was on us and everyday we must strive to maintain our position in Christ but the above scripture doesn't teach that at all. 

All we are required to do is to accept and believe in Jesus to receive this ability to become children of God which is by the power of the Holy spirit. Once you've done that, you are good to go. Pay no attention to anyone who says otherwise because the bible must be allowed to interpret itself. 

Prayer: Lord I thank you for making me your own since I believed. Thank you my place in you is safe and secured in Jesus Precious Name I Pray. Amen.


Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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