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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Tue, 16 May, 2023

Plant The Word (@fifiababio)

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I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 ESV

Just as a seed can never grow anywhere else except in the soil, the word of God may never work for you until it is planted in the soil of your heart. Words are very powerful because they proceed from the heart through the mouth which contains the most powerful tool on earth (The tongue) according to scripture.

The Bible says, guard your heart because out of it comes the issues of life. If you expose your heart to envy, jealousy, strife amongst others, your life will be surrounded by them. If you expose your heart to the word of God daily by reading, meditating and praying what you read, your life will be surrounded by the power the scripture carries. 

David in the above scripture shows us a great way to practically live without sin in your life. If you can hide God's word in your heart, you can successfully live free of sin and have an advantage through the power the word carries. Read your Bible and pray what you read everyday because that's the life of a Christian.

Prayer: Father thank you for your word that's available for me to read and study. Thank you for constantly reminding me of the need to read and study the word. Thank you for the gift of the Holyghost who helps me develop a consistent Bible reading lifestyle. Father I ask that you continue to help me study and practice your word so that I can enjoy the power thereof in Jesus Precious Name Amen!


Amen brother! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Welcome 😁 - Fifi Ababio

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