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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Wed, 17 May, 2023

The Giving God (@fifiababio)

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If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
James 1:5 NLT

Brother James in his book gives us a more definite description of who God is, His character and his nature. He re-introduces God's love on a different dimension to us showing us exactly what God's reactions are to many different life circumstances that we face daily.

In the above scripture brother James helps us to know that God is a generous God who loves to give and that's not waver, who loves to give and does not find fault, who gives generously and is always happy to give. If there is a need in your life I encourage you today by the scripture to ask and receive so that your joy may be full in Christ because God will not consider your sin before giving you anything nor will he consider your character because in Christ we are all his children and he does not find fault with us.

Prayer: father I thank you for letting me know how eager you are to give me whatever I ask in accordance to your world and so today I ask and receive wisdom from your spirit in my day-to-day decisions and activities. Thank you for loving me in spite of all my faults in Jesus precious name amen.


Ameeeennn 🙏🏾 Wisdom to do more!
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