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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Fri, 19 May, 2023

Trust in Jesus (@fifiababio)

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“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.
John 14:1 NLT

Many times when we mention the word believe when preaching the word we don't often explain its original meaning from the Greek language which was the original language the Bible was written. So most times when the Bible talks about believe there is a use of another word which is trust because the original Greek word used for believe also means trust, to depend on or to rely on.

Even though many people believe in God not everyone necessarily trust in God's ability to help them personally. Believe and trust are functions of the heart therefore until your heart totally believes in God and in Christ you will have no rest at all in whatsoever you are involved. At this point Jesus was addressing his disciples when he said you believe in God because he could see it but He discovered that there were some amongst them who had a hard time believing and trusting in him as well because most of the things he said were either mind-boggling or simply impossible to understand therefore he had encourage them to consider him as someone they could trust and totally depend on also.

Even though you believe in God it's time to believe in Christ Jesus as well on the same level you believe God so that you can rest after you have prayed and or fasted concerning a particular issue because it will be solved. This is just to encourage you to totally trust and depend on Christ because he cares for you.

Prayer: father I thank you for showing me in your word that you care for me and encouraging me to trust you. I ask and receive strength today to totally trust you with my heart in the most difficult times so that I can rest knowing that you are with me in Jesus precious name amen.


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