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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Mon, 22 May, 2023

How can we spend a measly 2hrs in church on Sundays? (@jaysmoke)

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Why do we spend only 2hrs max in church on Sundays? Why do we get angry when service is going on forever? Why do we feel Sunday is a day to go and chill or go home and relax with family?

Fellowship back in the days wasn't a 1hr or 2hr event. It was an all day event that had so many different activities. It wasn't just sitting and listening to sermons. It was praising, it was worshipping, it was feasting, it was playing, it was interacting, it was bible study, it was praying, it was giving and helping each other, it was simply being together in the presence of God. It was an atmosphere of Christians just being together and being there for each other.

Today we goto church, spend a laughable few minutes praising and worshipping, then we listen to a rushed sermon, give our offering and we leave. The most important aspect the altar call is the last and rushed moment.

If we truly believe Sundays are the LORD's Day, wouldn't you want to spend all day in His presence? 

My uncle was an Adventist and so I respect SDAs for that. They truly spend their day in the Temple on Saturday. They prepare for this event on Friday, make sure they have everything needed for Saturday and clear out their schedule for the day. This is dedication. Why are we quick to want to leave? To go watch football? To go eat? To go sleep? 

I wonder how God must feel knowing we have more important things even on SUNDAYS. Let's do better, He died for you.


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