Be Holy (@fifiababio)
BlogSince God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12 NLT
Many times when people hear or read the word Holy or Holiness, a sense of a good moral standing strikes a cord in Thier minds but actually that isn't the true meaning of that word. Holy means "Separate unto or for". So when we are told to be Holy, we are actually told to separate ourselves into God for his purpose alone.
The above scripture helps us understand exactly what holy means in this context which are basically the fruits of the spirit in my opinion. Being merciful, kind, humble, gentle and patient in all you do simply means you are Holy unto God. This is what He wants from you and how He wants you to live all because He Loves you. The icing on this cake is that the more you fellowship with the Holy spirit, the easier it is for you to live out all these traits with no struggle at all.
God Loves us so much that He has empowered us to live the way He wants willingly without struggle. What a life we have in Christ. This should put a great simile on your face and fill your heart with so much gratitude towards God.
Prayer: I wonder what I ever did to deserve this kind of Love. Thank you everlasting father for loving me this way. Thank you for empowering me by your spirit to continue living for you alone in Jesus Precious Name Amen!
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