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Fifi Ababioposted a blog, Fri, 23 Jun, 2023

God's wisdom and Will (@fifiababio)

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Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 AMP

I had never seen this scripture in this light until this morning. This is Very interesting because the Amp version of this scripture shows a revelation I want to share with us today.

Apart from just showing the young people the path they should take from childhood it also shows what that child should look out for after He/she has discovered talents and various abilities. This verse is very instructive, a child must be trained to seek for God's wisdom and will for his or her talent and abilities. I believe that if this had been a long tradition for many Christians before now, the church wouldn't have lost many talents including musicians to the world.

If it's a settled matter in the heart of a young person what God wants Thier talent to be used for, we can be sure that our young ones will do more for the kingdom than what we see today. I want to encourage us today to ask for God's wisdom on how to use our gifts and abilities, and God's will and desire for the same gifts and abilities because it will help move usin the direction God wants so that we can access God's own provision and not suffer or struggle to be seen or heard by others. 

PRAYER: Thank you sweet Jesus for opening my eyes to this wonderful truth. I ask that you show me your will behind every gift, talent ability you have blessed me with and also give me the wisdom on how to use them in Jesus Precious Name I Pray Amen.




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