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RepJesusposted a blog, Fri, 08 Sep, 2023

How to send money to any Artist on RepJesus.

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One of the biggest concerns we've always had was whether or not to charge for downloads on our platform. We've always stood by the idea, freely given, freely give and as such every one we work with on this platform freely give their best works so that it can minister and bless lives. 

This can quickly be abused and taken for granted which is rather unfortunate and we had long wanted to find a way to fix this. Thankfully, 😊 we are very close to a solution. Nope! We are not going to start charging for downloads 🙄 so relax you cheapskate. 🤭 We are however going to change how you download....slightly. 

We believe our users are very generous people 😉 and if given the opportunity 😉, they would love to support their favorite creators. 😉😉 That's why we are so excited about this new feature which will allow our generous users, YOU, to send money, ANY amount, to your favorite creator. 

How would this work?
Glad you asked. As stated above, we are changing how you download....slightly. When you click on the download button, instead of directly downloading the song, you will be presented with a popup screen. Here you will input your details (if you are not logged in) and then add the amount you want to send. Click on give and you will receive an alert on your phone to confirm the amount. Once confirmed, you'll be redirected to another page where your download will begin automatically. Cool aey? 🤩🤩 It's that simple 😎

What if I don't want to send money? Can I still download?
Mehnn 🙄 why you gotta be a party pooper? 😂 Haha just kidding, of course, like I said, download will be free! ✊🏾 Ahem, so how? Well when you hit download and you see the popup (why does this feel like a cheat code) you'll see the download button grayed out. It looks like it's disabled, right? Well, guess what? It's not 🤭🤭 You can just click on it and your download will begin. 😁 Don't tell anyone we told you this. Someone could lose their job.

What happens to the money sent? And how do I know the artist has received it?
Once you send the money, it will be recorded in your accounts. Check your profile page, you'll see a new button titled Gifts. Click on it to see gifts you have received and gifts you've sent. The same thing applies to every artist. Also if you are using an active email (I don't understand why some people would use inactive email addresse) 🤷🏾‍♂️ well if you are, you ma Gee, 😎 you will receive an email alert, so you can click on it to view the transaction.

Can I withdraw immediately?
I was just about to talk about that. Wow you are in the spirit 😊 So back on the gifts page. If you've received any gifts, you'll see the total amount plus any charges (we have to pay someone for this feature, you know, but don't worry, it's not much) and then the amount you are able to withdraw. Beneath all that, you will see a huge 'Withdraw' button. Click on it and your payment will be processed within 1 business day.🤟🏾

We pray that you'll use this feature to give back to these wonderful creatives who are working hard to bring you top quality entertainment. And as you give back, it is our prayer that God will bless you a 100, 1000 times over.

In Jesus name. Amen. 🙏🏾

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and we will try and respond as soon as possible.



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