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SI Unitposted a blog, Wed, 25 Feb, 2015

ComeAlive Launches Theme For the Year - #B3ARFRUIT (@TheSIUnit @NarrowRoadRec)

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God’s prime task from man was to ‘’be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and take dominion over it’’ – Gen 1:28a,  As Believers, Bearing fruit after our kind is the main way to take control over the system and affect it. Jesus’ last task to man was to Go into the world and make disciples of every nation, the importance of reproducing believers after our kind cannot to be down played because it’s the greatest way of changing the system. This burden is what the ComeAlive Ministries is bearing this year.

The essence of bearing fruit as a Christian is most importantly to help you grow and stay strong as a believer. It keeps you the believer safe and on your toes to stand for your faith. Galatians 5:22 and 23 talks about the various fruit we should bear as believers in Christ. John 15: 1-5 talks about Christ being the vine and we, the branches. We cannot bear these fruits stated in Galatians 5:22-23 outside of Him. So many believers walk around and are in churches and are not bearing fruit.  Some glory in self-righteousness, pride feels some hearts and the flesh is still dominating the minds of most of them, so many do not have and active Christian life with evident fruit of their faith in Christ. 

The B3AR FRUIT fever is going to be full of activities, we calling the 3C’s – Carnival + Conference + Campaign. The Carnival starts the wave on the 22nd March during the Republic Hall Week on KNUST campus. This year’s event is going to be phenomenal with more music, spoken word and other acts. The Conference comes of somewhere in the middle of the year and the Campaign would hit high schools and selected locations as we go out to encourage everyone to joins hands to the plow and spread the message and raise disciples.

It’s Time to ComeAlive and B3AR FRUIT!



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