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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Mon, 20 Nov, 2023

Don't associate with Believers who sin! (@jaysmoke)

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1st Corinthians 5:9-13 is a verse every Born Again Believer must read. It will never be read in your Charismatic Church so don't wait up. In it, Apostle Paul defines 2 kinds of sinners we will encounter on a regular. One is the UNBELIEVER who doesn't know Jesus, isn't Born Again who sins. To them, what we call sin, isn't sin so we can't judge them. The 2nd is the Born Again who knows what is wrong yet does it anyways. They are the ones we are called to judge and disassociate from. The lack of accountability in the church today, is why anyone can come and go as they please and not care who you are.

The other day, I saw a whole church worker listening to Rick Ross in church. And they didn't see anything wrong with it. What's up with us? Are we actually TRYING to grow or we just remain babies till we die? How can you claim to be a believer, filled with the Holy Spirit and you are a SLAVE to sin??

And why are we so unbothered about sin? It cost God His own Son to save us from the penalties of sin. And you telling me that you can't stop fornicating? You can't stop cheating? You can't stop using foul language? You can't stop watching porn? Are we serious? And when we talk about it, you have the audacity to tell me not to judge? Because we sin different? Who told u that makes it ok? What book are you reading?

Grow Up! Jesus said GO and SIN NO MORE! He didn't say go and continue to sin.

Next time you see a fellow Christian engaging in a sinful act, be reminded that you mustn't turn a blind eye, you must question them and if they insult you, report it to the church, and if they still choose not to change, disassociate from them. I don't understand where this practice of pampering a sinful person came from. That isn't Christianity.

Shalom 🙏🏾



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