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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Sun, 02 Jun, 2024

Live holy, just as God is holy

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Contrary to popular opinion, God expects us to live holy lives. He wants us to be holy just as He is. He expects us to leave our old lives behind and pursue a godly lifestyle. 

You cannot be a Christian and be promoting ungodly material. You can't be a Christian and be fornicating or entertaining porn or ungodly music/movies, lying, cheating on your spouse, practicing homosexuality, witchcraft, dressing anyhow, etc. you get the drift.

I think we need to be a little more careful than we are with how we live. Because if we're not careful about who our friends are, what television programs and movies we watch, what kind of books we read, what kind of music we listen to, how we spend our money, and what we do with our time, we could end up living wasted lives.

Once you are born again, it's expected of you. It won't happen overnight, you'll fall, but that's not the point. You get back up and try again, until you get it right. That's the point. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, alert me before I do something that would pull me away from a life of holiness. With Your guidance, I want to live carefully, following the path of holiness You have for me. Amen. 

Shalom 🙏🏾


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