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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Mon, 01 Jul, 2024

Do you see the leaf blade?

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This weekend was just amazing. Stand in the Gap was powerful and the closing messages were just so profound and precise, that I am already seeing my leaf blade/s. 

It is why am sending this to you today. To remind you to be extra discerning this month. As we walk into the last half of the year, be expectant, be watchful for those first leaf blades that are going to sprout into big trees (dreams). Don't take them for granted, but use it to push you forward. No matter how small it is, take that next step and soon, you'll be living in "answered prayers".

Shalom. 🙏🏾


Bless You, Stand in the Gap was amazing.
Ikrrrrrrrr.... powerful. Much love. 🤟🏾 - DJ JaySmoke (RJE)

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