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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Thu, 26 Sep, 2024

Don't be an imitator, be YOU!


One day, a crow was watching an eagle. That eagle swooped down on a lamb, drove its claws into its prey, lifted it up with its wings beating hard and flew to its nest on the cliff and then ate the lamb. The crow was fascinated by this and tried to imitate the eagle. It landed on a ram and its claws got tangled in the wool of the ram. Though it tried hard it could not lift the ram up. A shepherd who was nearby came running and saw the crow ensnared in the wool of the ram. He caught it, took it home and prepared a meal for him and his children.

Today, many try to imitate others like this crow and get caught in the net of shame, insecurity, inferiority, frustration, etc. They imitate others so that they will be recognized as great people. Beloved, every child of God has a seed of greatness. No one is unfruitful. Water the seed in you. Let your gifts and talents grow.

Do not try to imitate others or envy others. Be yourself and be fruitful. Stand in your calling! 


“Loving Father, I am sorry for every negative attitude that I watered till today. I thank You for who I am. I believe I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me not to imitate others or become jealous of them. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” 



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