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RepJesusposted a blog, Sun, 21 Feb, 2016

New film explores conflict between the Bible and homosexuality

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A newly released Christian film has tackled a very sensitive issue for the first time in the movie industry.

Stained Glass Rainbows, released by Paladin Pictures on Jan. 20, talks about the moral and Biblical issues surrounding homosexuality. By interviewing and including different sides to the issue, filmmaker Kent C. Williamson explores the issue between the Christian faith and homosexuality.

Some of the questions raised in the film include "Is homosexuality a sin?", "How does a Christian uphold God's truth in the Bible and at the same time continue loving their homosexual friends?," and "Can a person overcome being gay?"

According to some audiences who have already watched the documentary, Stained Glass Rainbows is a long-awaited film that tackles one of the most important issues in Christian faith today - homosexuality. It helps Christians to overcome the challenge to "speak the truth in love without judgment and condemnation."

"Kent C. Williamson is making a courageous move as a filmmaker to tackle the 'untouchable' gay issue in his new film," said Steve Greisen, President of Exploration Films.

Some viewers even went on to say that every evangelical Christian should watch the film.

Robert Gagnon, author of "The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics", also commended the film, stating that "it gives fair attention to different perspectives on homosexuality in an entertaining fashion." 



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