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RepJesusposted a blog, Wed, 08 Jun, 2016

Fafanyo the Pryme's "Hope Dey", Verse 1 Lyrics

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Fafanyo the Pryme drops another one with Soul Tape Family emcee AYo!9:TRo,and this the 2nd single off his "Full Moon" mixtape after "Moonlight 1". Below are the lyrics for Verse 1 by AYo!9:TRo,along with the hook of the song.


No No! Won't die! My hope in Him won't die

Coz soon I'll be gone for good and stay with for life!


I said "He's gon' be coming"-They said "Not Today",

But that won't stop a champ from hitting button 'Wait'

Coz hope could be a second,minute,day away

So don't you quit-Always go on your knees and pray!

Verse 1(AYo!9:TRo)

My God,My God! They shoutin' loud 'Mo Time';they risking all that got in exchange for no time/Mo talk,no vibe,from crust into the sky;it's chaff you're gonna be seeing-What's up with these gloves and punchlines?/No hope? Finna try do a call back! Feet finna be tired so I run back,and I run back and forth to my fore brain where I got a quote that I like bad/Says "Christ in me,the hope of glory"! Talk the return? That's no new story! Emulsify the pain (&) hurt in my lies coz God says I don't have to worry/I see the struggle I get it smacked,down for raw reasons,pin its back and give it my signature move which is prayer-DDT,finisher-"Oooh what a player!"/Leaving the ring with the title of peace and finishing pain as I did it with ease-Persecution had to be the referee but I fought with authority-He couldn't speak/The challenges coming,to them we be running and kicking 'em outta our paths really fast-Building our faith by hearing and hearing the word and hope emerges from that/To the brokenhearted and the hopeless and to those who don't know and know this: It's God who gives and taketh away and everytime is appointed!/So don't you rush it! And while you're  waiting please grab a glass of thanks on rocks coz He's gonna be coming for you pretty soon when you expected not/What about me? I'm waiting on it! The concrete type so I know it's  hard! No grenades on my side else I'd have blasted away with Bruno Mars! But I'm saying: I t won't die,My hope in Him won't die,coz soon I'll be gone for good and stay with Him for life-I said No No! Won't die! My hope in Him won't die,coz soon I'll be gone for good! Man it's so hard to goodbye! 9!

Verse 2 drops soon...

Follow Fafanyo The Pryme on Twitter & Instagram: @ThePryme1

#HopeDey #RoarOnEm


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