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Nuel Triumphposted a blog, Sun, 26 Jun, 2016

Nuel Triumph set to release new tune,Power Drunk.

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Brethren have been on the wait from signed-in artist to Trump Music Group, Nuel Trimuph,after he dropped his single "Desperation". Nuel has been on the move with powerful features and thus having some of the hottest hooks from last year till date. After many months,management has finally scheduled the release date for his new tune featuring Truth Nation's very own Regardless a.k.a Mr M.O.T,and produced by super-producer Laykay,on the 1st of July,with whom he's also been featured on his latest release "Give It Up".

I think Nuel after receiving numerous messages about when his next project is coming has finally gotten to "cool" the hearts of his fans and keep the mouths of his "loathers" on lock.

Be on the wait world! Something good is about to hit y'all pretty soon!



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