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F.I.U.M.E.N.posted a blog, Sun, 22 Jan, 2017

Fiumen Music releases track titled 'Aane'

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Another banger drops soon from the camp of Fiumen Music and its their first banger for the year 2017.

It is a solo track from one of their tight rappers, Lil Krah , and he calls this one Aane .

Lil Krah dropped a track titled Buen early 2016 which made and is still making a huge positive impact in the lifes of many. Buen made trends throughout the whole year 2016. Lil Krah is known as a rapper who is able to impressively use literary devices like metaphors and paradox to convey his messages to his listeners. He raps,punches and does whatever other dope emcees do and even more and most importantly leave you thinking because his messages are intellectually deep.

The lyrics of Buen sound refreshing whenever one listens to the song no matter the number of times because of the profound message behind the track. God being so good, Lil Krah's tune Buen was number 12 on Jay Smoke's Top 30 Countdown of Urban Gospel Songs for the year 2016.

This time around, Lil Krah is dropping Aane to thank God for his life, his family and his group ( Fiumen Music ).This track is perceived to go far and touch more lifes. Big ups to Subby Dave of Egalitarian Studio for producing this wonderful piece and C Stars of Eigen Praiz for the backup vocals.

Pen down the date ( Saturday 28th January 2017 ) and prepare your mind, heart and ears for something explosive and quite unusual. 

Fiumen Music.


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