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RepJesusposted a blog, Tue, 29 Aug, 2017 makes it possible for users to sow seeds on website

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The developers of the No1 Urban Gospel website in Ghana,, have embarked on yet another laudable feat. Through the use of mobile wallets, a fan can now support their local artists. has been serving the public with wonderful Urban Gospel tunes for years now and we have seen several singles get as much as 1500 downloads and we thought what a difference it would make for the artist if every fan were to sow just a cedi says founder, JaySmoke. 

With the advancement in internet technology, it's now very much possible for a fan to sow any amount of money into the lives of the artists featured on the website. By simply inputting their mobile wallet number and entering the amount they want to sow, a fan can become a blessing to their favorite artists.

It is true that most, if not all, of the artists featured on don't make music for the money but for the sole purpose of fulfilling the great commission ie preach the gospel. But in a system whereby we preach "Freely you have received; freely give. Matt 10:8" a gesture of appreciation is always welcomed. That's why we decided to set this system up. It won't be compulsory, as fans will still be able to download their favorite songs for free but it's a way to encourage everyone to develop the habit of sowing seeds JaySmoke explains.

The new system, which at the moment is limited only to residence in Ghana, has began receiving funds already and there are plans of expanding it to other countries around the world.

We are believing God to use this system to do massive things. Urban Gospel is the future and we believe togetherness is the key to achieving this future says Murtala, Vice President, RepJesus Entertainment.

There's this saying in the Bible, it's better to give than to receive and we pray that this will encourage you to bless these ones as they bless you with their gifts. So what are you waiting for, simply find the song you like, click the sow a seed button, enter your details and SOW A SEED today. God Bless you.


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