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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a blog, Tue, 28 May, 2019

You can't reach the world by doing what the world does - @JaySmoke

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If no one tells you, you'd think that Christians are making massive impact online, but a sneak peak at what is happening on the other side and your eyes are opened to the real truth. It's easy to be excited when you see a big figure like Bish TJ Jakes having 3 million followers, until you flip the switch and realize that Beyonce has more than 100 million followers. Its easy to feel awesome when Kirk Franklin has 1.5million followers, then you realize that Kelvin Hart has more than 70 million followers. I am excited when I realized that Lecrae has almost 1.5 million followers then I found out that Justin Beiber has more than 100 million. I won't even bother with our local ministers!

From this little statistics, Christians have no business using social media to evangelize. If we really want to reach the masses, it's definitely not here. You might think that your 50, 500, 1000, 5000 comments, followers and views is great but there are over 100 million Beyonce fans who will never see your post, who will never hear of you and who will never benefit from your ministry if this is your sole means of communication, shouldn't that worry you? The fact that Beyonce can use social media to promote her video, doesn't mean that if you do same, you will get the same impact. Why? Because the system isn't designed to benefit you.

It just saddens me that alot of amazing Christian content can only be found online. The lie we are told is that there are billions of people online today but the truth is, they will never find you because the system is designed to favor the famous and popular. If we want to reach the mass, we need to go to them where they are. On the streets, in the schools, at the villages, in the hood. 

Until we decide to do things differently from our secular peers, we will never reach as many as they are reaching.

Shalom 🙏🏾



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