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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a radio, Tue, 05 Apr, 2016

JCCafe Episode 03 Apr, 2016 with @JaySmoke

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Scripture Reading

Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting, “Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord ! Praise God in highest heaven!” The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar as he entered. “Who is this?” they asked.

Do you know the difference between going to church and being a Christian? I hope you know, because your eternal destination depends on your answer.

See, there are a lot of people in worldwide who call themselves Christians, but really have

no idea what that means. They even go to church. I mean, they’re really involved! They bring their kids, they go to Bible studies, they engage wholeheartedly in the worship times, but somehow they never really found Jesus in all the learning and participating and activities.

That’s why Paul wrote, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Corinthians 13:5). And there’s the bottom line, isn’t it? Is Jesus Christ in you? Because if He’s not in you, then you’re not saved.

Take a look at our verses today for a great picture of some people who should have ex- amined themselves. Those multitudes were the ones praising God as Jesus rode into town on Palm Sunday, just five days before He would be crucified. And the whole crowd gets caught up in the stir of what’s going on, so that they all cry out together in praise to God—but then what happens?

Jesus gets into Jerusalem, finding that the whole city—the WHOLE city, not just some— is stirred up about this parade that just came to town. But they don’t even know what they’re stirred up about. They’re all asking, “Who is this?”

It’s like, “Praise God! Hallelujah! Oh wait, who is this all about again?” They got caught up in the emotions of the moment and had some kind of incredible experience that they prob- ably thought was pretty significant, but it had no connection to truth or reality. They sang the song, but they had no idea who they were singing for. They danced the dance, but couldn’t tell anyone the reason for their joy.

How about you today? Are you just singing the songs, or are you really worshiping Jesus? Are you dancing because that’s what everyone else is doing, or do you have joy because you know Jesus saved you?



Lil Zig - End of Time
Transparent - Miseducation
Cheno Lyfe - Tomorrow is Promised
Jor'dan Armstrong - What you're made of
Aaron Sledge - Did it all for me
Bizzle - Protocol
Sean C. Johnson - Thy will be done
116 Clique - Transformers
GK - Bus Bus
OJ Wyte - Nyafu Nyafu



10 Scott Evans - Holding On
09 Take over - Okey Sokay
08 Lil Krah - Buen
07 Edy C - I got Jesus
06 Sam Jamz - We taking over
05 Kingzkid - Thank you Papa
04 Royal Priesthood - Odo ye wu
03 Kingzkid - Thy Kingdom come
02 Kros - Church
01 Yohannie - Jesus be the Way


Brand New

Benjamin the Kid - State of Emergency
Eric Da Rapman - Brighter Day
Jyz Yorke - No Limits
Kommit - Sweet Victory
Kwame Asante - Invasion



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