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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a radio, Sun, 17 Apr, 2016

JCCafe Episode 17 Apr, 2016 with @JaySmoke

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Scripture Reading
If you punish a mocker, the simpleminded will learn a lesson; if you correct the wise, they will be all the wiser. Proverbs 19:25 NLT
There is a great difference between the person who learns from criticism and the person who refuses to accept correction. How we respond to criticism determines whether or not we grow in wisdom. The next time someone criticizes you, listen carefully to all that is said. You might learn something.
10 Lil Krah - Beun
09 Kingzkid - Thy Kingdom Come
08 Preachers - One by One
07 The Township - A Duke’s Tale
06 Fuimen - Adom
05 Bodiless - Ye Dede
04 Minister Rapture - Gyedi
03 Disciple - Memoirs in the Valley
02 Perez Musik - Suddenly
01 MubyDey - Higher
Brand New
Sevin - Yolo
Three in One - Kenzi
Squad - Deraj & B. Cooper
Revolution - Mic Yorny
Time Out - RoyalEzenwa


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