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DJ JaySmoke (RJE)posted a link, Thu, 17 Dec, 2015

DJ JaySmoke - Top 20 Urban Gospel Jams 2015

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Annnnnd the wait is over. Here are the hottest urban gospel jams of 2015 put together by JaySmoke. Hope you guys enjoy the mix and will be banging it at all your events. This is the album version, the mix has been segmented into the various tracks so that you can skip from one track to the next. If you want the full non-skippable version, you should download the radio version.

It was fun putting together this collection, and we would love to hear what you think? Did we miss a great tune? Do you think these are the best 'party' tunes of 2015? Do post your thoughts below. We look forward to hearing from you.



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